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First, we will install radEmu, if we haven’t already.

# if (!require("remotes", quietly = TRUE))
#     install.packages("remotes")
# remotes::install_github("statdivlab/radEmu")

Next, we can load radEmu as well as the tidyverse package suite.


This vignette provides an introduction to using radEmu for differential abundance analysis using a phyloseq data object. For more in-depth explanations of how this software works and details on this analysis, see the vignette “intro_radEmu.Rmd”.

In this lab we’ll explore a dataset published by Wirbel et al. (2019). This is a meta-analysis of case-control studies, meaning that Wirbel et al. collected raw sequencing data from studies other researchers conducted and re-analyzed it (in this case, they also collected some new data of their own).

Wirbel et al. published two pieces of data we’ll focus on today:

  • metadata giving demographics and other information about participants
  • a mOTU (metagenomic OTU) table

In the manuscript, we looked at differential abundance across otherwise similar colorectal cancer and non-cancer control study participants for the 849 mOTUs that Wirbel et al. published. For the purpose of having a streamlined tutorial, we will only look at a subset of those 849 mOTUs in this vignette.

Loading and exploring data

Note that in order to follow along with this tutorial (but not to use radEmu!) you will need to have phyloseq installed. We will check if you have phyloseq installed, and if you do not then you can read the following code but it will not be run.

phy <- requireNamespace("phyloseq", quietly = TRUE) == TRUE
#> [1] "phyloseq is installed: TRUE"

Now that we have loaded the phyloseq package, we will create our phyloseq data object.

wirbel_phylo <- phyloseq::phyloseq(phyloseq::sample_data(wirbel_sample),
                                   phyloseq::otu_table(wirbel_otu, taxa_are_rows = FALSE),
#> phyloseq-class experiment-level object
#> otu_table()   OTU Table:         [ 845 taxa and 566 samples ]
#> sample_data() Sample Data:       [ 566 samples by 14 sample variables ]
#> tax_table()   Taxonomy Table:    [ 845 taxa by 7 taxonomic ranks ]

We’ll start by looking at the metadata.

#> [1] 566  14
#>                             Sample_ID External_ID Age Gender BMI Country  Study
#> CCIS00146684ST.4.0 CCIS00146684ST-4-0      FR-726  72      F  25     FRA FR-CRC
#> CCIS00281083ST.3.0 CCIS00281083ST-3-0      FR-060  53      M  32     FRA FR-CRC
#> CCIS02124300ST.4.0 CCIS02124300ST-4-0      FR-568  35      M  23     FRA FR-CRC
#> CCIS02379307ST.4.0 CCIS02379307ST-4-0      FR-828  67      M  28     FRA FR-CRC
#> CCIS02856720ST.4.0 CCIS02856720ST-4-0      FR-027  74      M  27     FRA FR-CRC
#> CCIS03473770ST.4.0 CCIS03473770ST-4-0      FR-192  29      M  24     FRA FR-CRC
#>                    Group Library_Size Age_spline.1 Age_spline.2 BMI_spline.1
#> CCIS00146684ST.4.0   CTR     35443944  -0.19755428    0.7389621   1.18982420
#> CCIS00281083ST.3.0   CTR     19307896  -0.08126128   -0.6818534  -1.40679307
#> CCIS02124300ST.4.0   CTR     42141246  -2.17453529   -0.6818534   0.45476676
#> CCIS02379307ST.4.0   CRC      4829533   0.67464323   -0.1490476   0.07698823
#> CCIS02856720ST.4.0   CTR     34294675  -0.54643328    1.0941660   0.44793355
#> CCIS03473770ST.4.0   CTR     20262319  -2.87229329   -0.6818534   0.95261443
#>                    BMI_spline.2 Sampling
#> CCIS00146684ST.4.0   -0.5606919   BEFORE
#> CCIS00281083ST.3.0    2.0039136   BEFORE
#> CCIS02124300ST.4.0   -0.6706035   BEFORE
#> CCIS02379307ST.4.0    0.5384247   BEFORE
#> CCIS02856720ST.4.0    0.1720525   BEFORE
#> CCIS03473770ST.4.0   -0.6706035   BEFORE

We can see that this dataset includes 566566 observations and 1414 variables.

Now let’s load the mOTU table.

#> [1] 566 845
# let's check out a subset
phyloseq::otu_table(wirbel_phylo)[1:5, 1:3]
#> OTU Table:          [3 taxa and 5 samples]
#>                      taxa are columns
#>                    Streptococcus anginosus [ref_mOTU_v2_0004]
#> CCIS00146684ST.4.0                                          0
#> CCIS00281083ST.3.0                                          0
#> CCIS02124300ST.4.0                                          2
#> CCIS02379307ST.4.0                                          0
#> CCIS02856720ST.4.0                                          1
#>                    Enterobacteriaceae sp. [ref_mOTU_v2_0036]
#> CCIS00146684ST.4.0                                         3
#> CCIS00281083ST.3.0                                         0
#> CCIS02124300ST.4.0                                         5
#> CCIS02379307ST.4.0                                         5
#> CCIS02856720ST.4.0                                       675
#>                    Citrobacter sp. [ref_mOTU_v2_0076]
#> CCIS00146684ST.4.0                                  0
#> CCIS00281083ST.3.0                                  0
#> CCIS02124300ST.4.0                                  0
#> CCIS02379307ST.4.0                                  0
#> CCIS02856720ST.4.0                                  0

We can see that this table has 566566 samples (just like the metadata) and 845845 mOTUs. Let’s save these mOTU names in a vector.

mOTU_names <- colnames(phyloseq::otu_table(wirbel_phylo))

Finally, we can check out the taxonomy table.

#> Taxonomy Table:     [6 taxa by 7 taxonomic ranks]:
#>                                                     domain     phylum          
#> Streptococcus anginosus [ref_mOTU_v2_0004]          "Bacteria" "Bacillota"     
#> Enterobacteriaceae sp. [ref_mOTU_v2_0036]           "Bacteria" "Pseudomonadota"
#> Citrobacter sp. [ref_mOTU_v2_0076]                  "Bacteria" "Pseudomonadota"
#> Klebsiella michiganensis/oxytoca [ref_mOTU_v2_0079] "Bacteria" "Pseudomonadota"
#> Enterococcus faecalis [ref_mOTU_v2_0116]            "Bacteria" "Bacillota"     
#> Lactobacillus salivarius [ref_mOTU_v2_0125]         "Bacteria" "Bacillota"     
#>                                                     class                
#> Streptococcus anginosus [ref_mOTU_v2_0004]          "Bacilli"            
#> Enterobacteriaceae sp. [ref_mOTU_v2_0036]           "Gammaproteobacteria"
#> Citrobacter sp. [ref_mOTU_v2_0076]                  "Gammaproteobacteria"
#> Klebsiella michiganensis/oxytoca [ref_mOTU_v2_0079] "Gammaproteobacteria"
#> Enterococcus faecalis [ref_mOTU_v2_0116]            "Bacilli"            
#> Lactobacillus salivarius [ref_mOTU_v2_0125]         "Bacilli"            
#>                                                     order             
#> Streptococcus anginosus [ref_mOTU_v2_0004]          "Lactobacillales" 
#> Enterobacteriaceae sp. [ref_mOTU_v2_0036]           "Enterobacterales"
#> Citrobacter sp. [ref_mOTU_v2_0076]                  "Enterobacterales"
#> Klebsiella michiganensis/oxytoca [ref_mOTU_v2_0079] "Enterobacterales"
#> Enterococcus faecalis [ref_mOTU_v2_0116]            "Lactobacillales" 
#> Lactobacillus salivarius [ref_mOTU_v2_0125]         "Lactobacillales" 
#>                                                     family              
#> Streptococcus anginosus [ref_mOTU_v2_0004]          "Streptococcaceae"  
#> Enterobacteriaceae sp. [ref_mOTU_v2_0036]           "Enterobacteriaceae"
#> Citrobacter sp. [ref_mOTU_v2_0076]                  "Enterobacteriaceae"
#> Klebsiella michiganensis/oxytoca [ref_mOTU_v2_0079] "Enterobacteriaceae"
#> Enterococcus faecalis [ref_mOTU_v2_0116]            "Enterococcaceae"   
#> Lactobacillus salivarius [ref_mOTU_v2_0125]         "Lactobacillaceae"  
#>                                                     genus               
#> Streptococcus anginosus [ref_mOTU_v2_0004]          "Streptococcus"     
#> Enterobacteriaceae sp. [ref_mOTU_v2_0036]           "Enterobacteriaceae"
#> Citrobacter sp. [ref_mOTU_v2_0076]                  "Citrobacter"       
#> Klebsiella michiganensis/oxytoca [ref_mOTU_v2_0079] "Klebsiella"        
#> Enterococcus faecalis [ref_mOTU_v2_0116]            "Enterococcus"      
#> Lactobacillus salivarius [ref_mOTU_v2_0125]         "Lactobacillus"     
#>                                                     species                       
#> Streptococcus anginosus [ref_mOTU_v2_0004]          "Streptococcus anginosus"     
#> Enterobacteriaceae sp. [ref_mOTU_v2_0036]           "Enterobacteriaceae bacterium"
#> Citrobacter sp. [ref_mOTU_v2_0076]                  "Citrobacter sp."             
#> Klebsiella michiganensis/oxytoca [ref_mOTU_v2_0079] "Klebsiella michiganensis"    
#> Enterococcus faecalis [ref_mOTU_v2_0116]            "Enterococcus faecalis"       
#> Lactobacillus salivarius [ref_mOTU_v2_0125]         "Ligilactobacillus salivarius"

Fitting a model

radEmu is a package that can be used to estimate fold-differences in the abundance of microbial taxa between levels of a covariate. In this analysis, the covariate that we are primarily interested in is whether a sample is from a case of colorectal cancer or a control. We will make control (“CTR”) the reference category:

phyloseq::sample_data(wirbel_phylo)$Group <- factor(phyloseq::sample_data(wirbel_phylo)$Group, levels = c("CTR","CRC"))

While in general we would fit a model to all mOTUs, we are going to subset to some specific genera for the purposes of this tutorial. Let’s look at Eubacterium, Porphyromonas, Faecalibacteria, and Fusobacterium for now.

chosen_genera <- c("Eubacterium", "Faecalibacterium", "Fusobacterium", "Porphyromonas")
wirbel_restrict <- phyloseq::subset_taxa(wirbel_phylo, genus %in% chosen_genera)

Again, while we would generally fit a model using all of our samples, for this tutorial we are only going to consider data from a case-control study from China.

wirbel_china <- phyloseq::subset_samples(wirbel_restrict, Country == "CHI")

Next, we want to confirm that all samples have at least one non-zero count across the categories we’ve chosen and that all categories have at least one non-zero count across the samples we’ve chosen.

sum(rowSums(phyloseq::otu_table(wirbel_china)) == 0) # no samples have a count sum of 0 
#> [1] 0
sum(colSums(phyloseq::otu_table(wirbel_china)) == 0) # one category has a count sum of 0 
#> [1] 1
category_to_rm <- names(which(colSums(phyloseq::otu_table(wirbel_china)) == 0))
wirbel_china <- phyloseq::subset_taxa(wirbel_china, species != category_to_rm)
sum(colSums(phyloseq::otu_table(wirbel_china)) == 0) # now no categories have a count sum of 0 
#> [1] 0

The function that we use to fit our model is called emuFit. It can accept your data in various forms, and here we will show how to use it with a phyloseq object as input.

ch_fit <- emuFit(formula = ~ Group, 
                 Y = wirbel_china, 
                 run_score_tests = FALSE) 

The way to access estimated coefficients and confidence intervals from the model is with ch_fit$coef. Let’s plot our results:

ch_df <- ch_fit$coef %>%
  mutate(Genus = as.vector(phyloseq::tax_table(wirbel_china)[, 6])) %>%
  # add genus name to output from emuFit
  mutate(cat_small = stringr::str_remove(paste0("mOTU_", 
                            stringr::str_split(category, 'mOTU_v2_', simplify = TRUE)[, 2]), 
                            "\\]")) %>%
  mutate(cat_small = factor(cat_small, levels = cat_small[order(Genus)]))
  # reorder mOTU categories by genus

ggplot(ch_df) + 
  geom_point(aes(x = cat_small, y = estimate, color = Genus), size = .5) +
  geom_errorbar(aes(x = cat_small, ymin = lower, ymax = upper, color = Genus), width = .25) +
  theme_bw() +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1)) +
  labs(x = "Category",
       y = "Estimate") + 
  coord_cartesian(ylim = c(-5,10))

If you’d like to see more explanations of the radEmu software and additional analyses of this data, check out the vignette “intro_radEmu.Rmd”.