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Fit radEmu model


  X = NULL,
  formula = NULL,
  data = NULL,
  assay_name = NULL,
  cluster = NULL,
  penalize = TRUE,
  B = NULL,
  B_null_list = NULL,
  fitted_model = NULL,
  refit = TRUE,
  test_kj = NULL,
  alpha = 0.05,
  return_wald_p = FALSE,
  compute_cis = TRUE,
  run_score_tests = TRUE,
  use_fullmodel_info = FALSE,
  use_fullmodel_cov = FALSE,
  use_both_cov = FALSE,
  constraint_fn = pseudohuber_center,
  constraint_grad_fn = dpseudohuber_center_dx,
  constraint_param = 0.1,
  verbose = FALSE,
  tolerance = 1e-04,
  B_null_tol = 0.001,
  rho_init = 1,
  inner_tol = 1,
  ntries = 4,
  tau = 2,
  kappa = 0.8,
  constraint_tol = 1e-05,
  c1 = 1e-04,
  maxit = 1000,
  inner_maxit = 25,
  max_step = 1,
  trackB = FALSE,
  return_nullB = FALSE,
  return_both_score_pvals = FALSE,
  remove_zero_comparison_pvals = 0.01



an n x J matrix or dataframe of nonnegative observations, or a phyloseq object containing an otu table and sample data.


an n x p matrix or dataframe of covariates (optional)


a one-sided formula specifying the form of the mean model to be fit


an n x p data frame containing variables given in formula


a string containing the desired assay name within a TreeSummarizedExperiment object. This is only required if Y is a TreeSummarizedExperiment object, otherwise this argument does nothing and can be ignored.


a vector giving cluster membership for each row of Y to be used in computing GEE test statistics. Default is NULL, in which case rows of Y are treated as independent.


logical: should Firth penalty be used in fitting model? Default is TRUE.


starting value of coefficient matrix (p x J). If not provided, B will be initiated as a zero matrix.


list of starting values of coefficient matrix (p x J) for null estimation. This should either be a list with the same length as test_kj. If you only want to provide starting values for some tests, include the other elements of the list as NULL.


a fitted model produced by a separate call to emuFit; to be provided if score tests are to be run without refitting the full unrestricted model. Default is NULL.


logical: if B or fitted_model is provided, should full model be fit (TRUE) or should fitting step be skipped (FALSE), e.g., if score tests are to be run on an already fitted model. Default is TRUE.


a data frame whose rows give coordinates (in category j and covariate k) of elements of B to construct hypothesis tests for. If test_kj is not provided, all elements of B save the intercept row will be tested.


nominal type 1 error level to be used to construct confidence intervals. Default is 0.05 (corresponding to 95% confidence intervals)


logical: return p-values from Wald tests? Default is FALSE.


logical: compute and return Wald CIs? Default is TRUE.


logical: perform robust score testing? Default is TRUE.


logical: TODO? Default is FALSE.


logical: use information matrix and empirical score covariance computed for full model fit? Defaults to FALSE, in which case these quantities are recomputed for each null model fit for score testing.


logical: should score tests be run using information and empirical score covariance evaluated both under the null and full models? Used in simulations


function g defining a constraint on rows of B; g(B_k) = 0 for rows k = 1, ..., p of B. Default function is a smoothed median (minimizer of pseudohuber loss). If a number is provided a single category constraint will be used with the provided category as a reference category.


derivative of constraint_fn with respect to its arguments (i.e., elements of a row of B)


If pseudohuber centering is used (this is the default), parameter controlling relative weighting of elements closer and further from center. (Limit as constraint_param approaches infinity is the mean; as this parameter approaches zero, the minimizer of the pseudo-Huber loss approaches the median.)


provide updates as model is being fitted? Defaults to FALSE.


tolerance for stopping criterion in full model fitting; once no element of B is updated by more than this value in a single step, we exit optimization. Defaults to 1e-3.


numeric: convergence tolerance for null model fits for score testing (if max of absolute difference in B across outer iterations is below this threshold, we declare convergence). Default is 0.01.


numeric: value at which to initiate rho parameter in augmented Lagrangian algorithm. Default is 1.


numeric: convergence tolerance for augmented Lagrangian subproblems within null model fitting. Default is 1.


numeric: how many times should optimization be tried in null models where at least one optimization attempt fails? Default is 4.


numeric: value to scale rho by in each iteration of augmented Lagrangian algorithm that does not move estimate toward zero sufficiently. Default is 2.


numeric: value between 0 and 1 that determines the cutoff on the ratio of current distance from feasibility over distance in last iteration triggering scaling of rho. If this ratio is above kappa, rho is scaled by tau to encourage estimate to move toward feasibility.


numeric: constraint tolerance for fits under null hypotheses (tested element of B must be equal to constraint function to within this tolerance for a fit to be accepted as a solution to constrained optimization problem). Default is 1e-5.


numeric: parameter for Armijo line search. Default is 1e-4.


maximum number of outer iterations of augmented lagrangian algorithm to perform before exiting optimization. Default is 1000.


maximum number of coordinate descent passes through columns of B to make within each outer iteration of augmented lagrangian algorithm before exiting inner loop


maximum stepsize; update directions computed during optimization will be rescaled if a step in any parameter exceeds this value. Defaults to 0.5.


logical: should values of B be recorded across optimization iterations and be returned? Primarily used for debugging. Default is FALSE.


logical: should values of B under null hypothesis be returned. Primarily used for debugging. Default is FALSE.


logical: should score p-values be returned using both information matrix computed from full model fit and from null model fits? Default is FALSE. This parameter is used for simulations - in any applied analysis, type of p-value to be used should be chosen before conducting tests.


Should score p-values be replaced with NA for zero-comparison parameters? These parameters occur for categorical covariates with three or more levels, and represent parameters that compare a covariate level to the reference level for a category in which the comparison level and reference level both have 0 counts in all samples. These parameters can have misleadingly small p-values and are not thought to have scientifically interesting signals. We recommend removing them before analyzing data further. If TRUE, all zero-comparison parameter p-values will be set to NA. If FALSE no zero-comparison parameter p-values will be set to NA. If a value between 0 and 1, all zero-comparison p-values below the value will be set to NA. Default is 0.01.


A list containing elements 'coef', 'B', 'penalized', 'Y_augmented', 'z_hat', 'I', 'Dy', and 'score_test_hyperparams' if score tests are run. Parameter estimates by covariate and outcome category (e.g., taxon for microbiome data), as well as optionally confidence intervals and p-values, are contained in 'coef'. Any robust score statistics and score test p-values are also included in 'coef'. If there are any zero-comparison parameters in the model, a column 'zero_comparison' is also included, which is TRUE for any parameters that compare the level of a categorical covariate to a reference level for a category with only zero counts for both the comparison level and the reference level. This check is currently implemented for an arbitrary design matrix generated using the formula and data arguments, and for a design matrix with no more than one categorical covariate if the design matrix X is input directly. 'B' contains parameter estimates in matrix format (rows indexing covariates and columns indexing outcome category / taxon). 'penalized' is equal to TRUE f Firth penalty is used in estimation (default) and FALSE otherwise. 'z_hat' returns the nuisance parameters calculated in Equation 7 of the radEmu manuscript, corresponding to either 'Y_augmented' or 'Y' if the 'penalized' is equal to TRUE or FALSE, respectively. I' and 'Dy' contain an information matrix and empirical score covariance matrix computed under the full model. 'score_test_hyperparams' contains parameters and hyperparameters related to estimation under the null, including whether or not the algorithm converged, which can be helpful for debugging.