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Run robust score test


  rho_init = 1,
  tau = 2,
  kappa = 0.8,
  B_tol = 0.001,
  inner_tol = 0.01,
  constraint_tol = 0.001,
  c1 = 1e-04,
  maxit = 1000,
  inner_maxit = 25,
  ntries = 4,
  verbose = FALSE,
  trackB = FALSE,
  I_inv = NULL,
  Dy = NULL,
  return_both_score_pvals = FALSE,
  cluster = NULL



value of coefficient matrix (p x J) returned by full model fit or value of coefficient matrix to start null estimation at given as input to emuFit


an n x J matrix or dataframe of augmented nonnegative observations (i.e., observations Y plus augmentations from last iteration of maximum penalized likelihood estimation for full model)


an n x p matrix of covariates


the design matrix for long format Y in long format B (nJ x pJ)


row index of element of B to be tested for equality to row identifiability constraint


column index of element of B to be tested for equality to row identifiability constraint


function g defining a constraint on rows of B; g(B_k) = 0 for rows k = 1, ..., p of B. Default function is a smoothed median (minimizer of pseudohuber loss).


function returning gradient of constraint function (as a function of a row of B)


numeric: value at which to initiate rho parameter in augmented Lagrangian algorithm. Default is 1.


numeric: value to scale rho by in each iteration of augmented Lagrangian algorithm that does not move estimate toward zero sufficiently. Default is 2.


numeric: value between 0 and 1 that determines the cutoff on the ratio of current distance from feasibility over distance in last iteration triggering scaling of rho. If this ratio is above kappa, rho is scaled by tau to encourage estimate to move toward feasibility.


numeric: convergence tolerance for null model fits for score testing (if max of absolute difference in B across outer iterations is below this threshold, we declare convergence). Default is 0.001.


numeric: convergence tolerance for inner loop of null fitting algorithm (if max of absolute difference in B across inner iterations is below this threshold, we declare convergence). Default is 0.01.


numeric: constraint tolerance for fits under null hypotheses (tested element of B must be equal to constraint function to within this tolerance for a fit to be accepted as a solution to constrained optimization problem). Default is 1e-5.


column index of convenience constraint


numeric: parameter for Armijo line search. Default is 1e-4.


maximum number of outer iterations of augmented lagrangian algorithm to perform before exiting optimization. Default is 1000.


maximum number of coordinate descent passes through columns of B to make within each outer iteration of augmented lagrangian algorithm before exiting inner loop


numeric: total number of times to attempt optimization under null if optimization fails (optimization parameters will be tweaked in subsequent fits to attempt to avoid failure). Default is 4.


provide updates as model is being fitted? Defaults to TRUE.


store and return values of B at each iteration of optimization algorithm? Useful for debugging. Default is FALSE.


Optional: matrix containing inverted information matrix computed under full model. Default is NULL, in which case information is recomputed under null, which we recommend.


Optional: matrix containing empirical score covariance computed under full model. Default is NULL, in which case this quantity is recomputed under null, which we recommend.


logical: should score p-values be returned using both information matrix computed from full model fit and from null model fits? Default is FALSE. This parameter is used for simulations - in any applied analysis, type of p-value to be used should be chosen before conducting tests.


a numeric vector giving cluster membership for each row of Y to be used in computing GEE test statistics. Default is NULL, in which case rows of Y are treated as independent.


A list containing elements 'score_stat', 'pval', 'log_pval','niter', 'convergence', 'gap', 'u', 'rho', 'tau', 'inner_maxit', 'null_B', and 'Bs'. 'score_stat' gives the value of the robust score statistic for H_0: B_k_constr,j_constr = g(B_k_constr). 'pval' and 'log_pval' are the p-value (on natural and log scales) corresponding to the score statistic (log_pval may be useful when the p-value is very close to zero). 'gap' is the final value of g(B_k_constr) - B_k_constr, j_constr obtained in optimization under the null. 'u' and 'rho' are final values of augmented Lagrangian parameters returned by null fitting algorithm. 'tau' is the final value of 'tau' that is used to update the 'rho' values and 'inner_maxit' is the final maximum number of iterations for the inner optimization loop in optimization under the null, in which B and z parameter values are maximized for specific 'u' and 'rho' parameters. 'null_B' is the value of B returned but the null fitting algorithm. 'Bs' is by default NULL; if trackB = TRUE, 'Bs is a data frame containing values of B by outcome category, covariate, and iteration.