

Amy Willis

Amy (she/her) is an Associate Professor in the Department of Biostatistics at the University of Washington, and the PI of the Statistical Diversity Lab. Amy loves biodiversity, reproducible science, statistics, and high-quality open-source statistical software. 




Sarah Teichman

Sarah (she/her) is a PhD student in Statistics at the University of Washington and a StatDivLab Research Assistant. Sarah's research interests include statistical methods and software to compare and visualize microbial phylogenies, and scalable differential abundance. 


María Alejandra Valdez Cabrera

María (she/her) is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Washington. María's research interests include statistical methods for the comparison of phylogenetic trees with nonidentical leaf sets. 

Shirley Mathur

Shirley (she/her) is a PhD Candidate in Statistics at the University of Washington and a StatDivLab Research Assistant. Shirley's research interests include bias reduction and decontamination tools in microbiome sciences. 

Grant Hopkins

Grant Hopkins (he/his) is a PhD Candidate in Biostatistics at the University of Washington and a StatDivLab Research Assistant. Grant's research interests include assumption-light efficient estimation, the analysis of clinical trial data, and experimental designs for large-scale microbiome studies. Grant also works with our friend and colleague Marco Carone 

Pauline Trinh (Alumnus)

Pauline finished her PhD in the Department of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences at UW, co-advised by Peter Rabinowitz and Amy Willis.  Pauline developed methods for microbial pangenomics, and has a particular interest in human-animal-microbe interactions.

Last time we checked, Dr. Trinh was a Bioinformatician Epidemiologist at the Washington State Department of Health.



David Clausen (Alumnus)

David finished his PhD in the Department of Biostatistics at UW. David's research interests include statistical methods for quantifying and modeling measurement error in microbiome data.

Last time we checked, Dr. Clausen was a Scientist (Biostatistician) at Outpace Bio. 



Bryan Martin (Alumnus)

Bryan finished his MS in the Department of Statistics at UW in 2022, co-advised by Daniela Witten and Amy Willis. Bryan's research focused on statistical methods and software for microbial relative abundance. 

Last time we checked, Bryan was a Senior Statistician at Medtronic



Jake Price (Alumnus)

Jake finished his postdoctoral researcher appointment at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, jointly supervised by Amy Willis and Thea Whitman. Jake's research interests include propagating uncertainty from bioinformatic preprocessing through the microbiome analysis pipeline, and his past research projects have focused on the microbiome of bioreactors. 

Last time we checked, Dr. Price worked at Stroud Water Research Center.




Xiaochuan Cecilia Shi (Alumnus)

Cecilia finished her MS in the Department of Statistics at the University of Washington. Cecilia is researching statistical approaches to removing contamination in high throughput sequencing data, with a specific focus on amplicon sequencing datasets. 

Last time we checked, Cecilia was a PhD Candidate at the University of Toronto. 


Department of Biostatistics
F-657, Box 357232
Health Sciences Building, 1959 NE Pacific St
University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195

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