Data from a study of 50 men having hormonally treated prostate cancer. Includes information on PSA levels, tumor characteristics, remission status, age, and disease state. More information, including a coding key, is available at
A data frame with 50 rows and 9 variables:
- ptid
patient identifier
- nadirpsa
lowest PSA value attained post therapy (ng/ml)
- pretxpsa
PSA value prior to therapy (ng/ml)
- ps
performance status (0= worst, 100= best)
- bss
bone scan score (1= least disease, 3= most)
- grade
tumor grade (1= least aggressive, 3= most)
- age
patient's age (years)
- obstime
time observed in remission (months)
- inrem
Indicator whether patient still in remission at last follow-up (yes or no)