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Identify differentially-abundant and differentially-variable taxa using contrasts


  contrasts_DA = NULL,
  contrasts_DV = NULL,
  link = "logit", = "logit",
  sample_data = NULL,
  taxa_are_rows = TRUE,
  filter_discriminant = TRUE,
  fdr_cutoff = 0.05,
  fdr = "fdr",
  inits = NULL,
  try_only = NULL,



an object of class formula without the response: a symbolic description of the model to be fitted to the abundance


an object of class formula without the response: a symbolic description of the model to be fitted to the dispersion


List. Optional. Constructs a contrast matrix. List elements should be characters specifying contrasts in the parameters within formula. Note that this is only available with "Wald" value for test. Must include at least one of contrasts_DA or contrasts_DV.


List. Optional. Constructs a contrast matrix. List elements should be characters specifying contrasts in the parameters within phi.formula. Note that this is only available with "Wald" value for test. Must include at least one of contrasts_DA or contrasts_DV.


a data frame containing the OTU table, or phyloseq object containing the variables in the models

link function for abundance covariates, defaults to "logit"

link function for dispersion covariates, defaults to "logit"


Data frame or matrix. Defaults to NULL. If data is a data frame or matrix, this must be included as covariates/sample data.


Boolean. Optional. If data is a data frame or matrix, this indicates whether taxa are rows. Defaults to TRUE.


Boolean. Defaults to TRUE. If FALSE, discriminant taxa will not be filtered out.


Integer. Defaults to 0.05. Desired type 1 error rate


Character. Defaults to "fdr". False discovery rate control method, see p.adjust for more options.


Optional initializations for model fit using formula and phi.formula as rows of a matrix. Defaults to NULL.


Optional numeric. Will try only the try_only taxa, specified either via numeric input or character taxa names. Useful for speed when troubleshooting. Defaults to NULL, testing all taxa.


Optional additional arguments for bbdml


An object of class contrastsTest. List with elements p containing the p-values for each contrast, p_fdr containing the p-values after false discovery rate control, significant_taxa containing the taxa names of the statistically significant taxa, contrasts_DA containing the contrast matrix for parameters associated with the abundance, contrasts_DV containing the contrast matrix for parameters associated with the dispersion, discriminant_taxa_DA containing the taxa for which at least one covariate associated with the abundance was perfectly discriminant, discriminant_taxa_DV containing the taxa for which at least one covariate associated with the dispersion was perfectly discriminant, and data containing the data used to fit the models.


This function uses contrast matrices to test for differential abundance and differential variability using a Wald-type chi-squared test. To use a formula implementation, see differentialTest.


# data frame example
# note that this function will only run if the `limma` package is installed
limma_install <- try(find.package("limma"), silent = TRUE)
if (!(inherits(limma_install, "try-error"))) {
  da_analysis <- contrastsTest(formula = ~ DayAmdmt,
                              phi.formula = ~ DayAmdmt,
                              contrasts_DA = list("DayAmdmt21 - DayAmdmt11",
                                                   "DayAmdmt22 - DayAmdmt21"),
                              data = soil_phylum_contrasts_otu,
                               sample_data = soil_phylum_contrasts_sample,
                               fdr_cutoff = 0.05,
                              try_only = 1:5)

# phyloseq example (only run if you have phyloseq installed)
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
contrasts_phylo <- phyloseq::phyloseq(phyloseq::sample_data(soil_phylum_contrasts_sample),
phyloseq::otu_table(soil_phylum_contrasts_otu, taxa_are_rows = TRUE))
da_analysis <- contrastsTest(formula = ~ DayAmdmt,
                             phi.formula = ~ DayAmdmt,
                             contrasts_DA = list("DayAmdmt21 - DayAmdmt11",
                                                 "DayAmdmt22 - DayAmdmt21"),
                             data = contrasts_phylo,
                             fdr_cutoff = 0.05,
                             try_only = 1:5)
} # }